"Rough Day" WIP: Blocking I
I didn't know what to title this one.
First blocking pass. It's pretty rough... I definitely need to tighten things up before moving onto spline. The last 2 days and even this morning I've been lacking energy. A part of me feels like I'm going slowly insane from all the COVID-19 stuff...
I'm a total introvert, and I've honestly been pretty content given that this isolation thing is kinda how I've been living anyway. My way of life has not been altered. However, I think the fact that I know that I can't leave even if I wanted to and the fact that I can't see my friends and also given my current living situation, it's actually kind of taking a toll on me.
But anyway, back to animation...
I'm hoping that I can really push these poses and adjust the timing to get the holds and right rhythm working into this shot. Hopefully if I give myself a little break today I can be refreshed for this week. I've got A LOT to do.