3D Production Animatic
We had to find a scene from a film that we want to recreate as a simplified muppet version. This is the 3-shot scene I have chosen to...

The Busiest Quarter Yet + about my Senior Film...
I can easily say that we've really hit the ground running. The quarter just started Monday and I am already freaking out. It's kind of...

Kung Fu Fighting WIP: Blocking Pass 3
Okay this is it! Final blocking pass before splining!! I've changed the lighting so much along the way. And I'm embarrassed that I...

Kung Fu Fighting WIP: Blocking Pass 2
This has come a long way and there's still so much more to be done. I can say it looks a lot better than it has and the lighting helps a...

Kung Fu Fighting WIP: Blocking Pass 1
Finally got to finishing the 1st round of blocking for this personal project! Now that my spring break is here, I can start focusing in...