hang in there
As I'm in the last quarter of my senior year, I've been going through all the stages of "senioritis." I'm excited to get out and enter...

1 year later... + Blocking Update III
WIP of my Chase/Escape Blocking. I dressed up Stewart and I feel like it's really helping the story and makes the shot look more fun. I...
Animation for Games??
Came across this really insightful article about How Animation for Games is Different from Animation for Movies. Although at this point I...

A MUCH needed, LONG overdue UPDATE + CTN Expo Plans!!!
So it has been wayyyyy too long since I last posted to this blog. And for a number of reasons. It’s probably most disappointing to myself...

New shots + plans for the near future
A much later update than I was expecting. As always, the struggle is real when it comes to the summer. Not to mention, my 2 summer...