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A MUCH needed, LONG overdue UPDATE + CTN Expo Plans!!!

So it has been wayyyyy too long since I last posted to this blog. And for a number of reasons. It’s probably most disappointing to myself as the summer is typically the time that I am able to make the most frequent updates. I MUST put out there, however, that this is in no way an indication of slacking off! NO.

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been putting more of my time into this grad film since it’s FOR someone else and has an actual deadline, and therefore I feel the need to give it higher priority than my personal projects. And as a result, I’m not posting updates on that to the blog since it is not mine to post. I want to keep the film shots confidential for the director’s sake. So that means... no blog updates on my progress for that.

But in regards to the film, I have finally finished BOTH of my shots officially 2 weeks ago! And I could not be happier. It was 3 long months of work. And now I am picking up yet another shot, but a very short one for this same film. Also, since the rig has updated I need to go in and add animation to the face in one of the shots this week. I just shot reference for my new shot this weekend so I’m glad to have a little start on that. I plan to edit that and set up the shot this week.

Aside from that, I’ve been working on my boxing animation, blocking that in and I’m having fun with it. Once I finish the first blocking pass I want to hop back into my kung fu guy and finish that. And trust me... I NEED to finish that this summer. Or my whole summer will have pointless. Ok, I’m being dramatic, but still, it’s important to me. Also, I’ve started modeling a clarinet as a way of keeping my mind sharp with my modeling skills for the environments I’ll be making for the senior film. So we’ll see how that turns out. A musical instrument is something I’ve been wanting to try modeling for awhile now. And the clarinet is, of course, near and dear to my heart.

But to slow me down even more, I’ve been taking my 2 online summer courses with the exciting subjects of math and English. Annoying, but necessary... and also a big eater of my time. I can say, at least, that I am doing very well in these classes and am keeping up with the work. I’ve gotten quicker and can usually knock out the whole week’s worth of work for both classes in 2 days leaving the rest of the week for me to animate. I have been busy visiting different friends these past 4 weekends. In fact, I have spent every weekend this month traveling (not of great distance) to visit people. It’s been busy, but good for my mental health. As I’ve learned from last winter and summer, I get incredibly lonely when it’s just Maya and me all the time.

Also, next week I’ll be taking my first real vacation in a long time so I am looking very forward to that. However, that will be more time not animating, not to mention I’m in super-work mode right now to get all my assignments done early so that there’s time for animation before I leave as well as do what I can of next week’s assignments early as well so that I don’t have to worry about it on the trip. Unfortunately, the classes don’t post the assignments until the start of the week, so I can’t get too ahead if I want to.

More in terms of travel, I have officially made plans to travel out to California for the first time ever and attend the Creative Talent Network Expo!!! I could not be more excited. I am both pumped to be going to such a huge and important event as this convention for animators (and artists in this field) everywhere, and also for getting to see the other side of the country, which I have never seen. LA is the area to be in for this kind of work, so getting to see a potential future place to live is another big plus. I never get to travel very far. It wasn’t until I transferred schools that I got to go very far. So this year has brought me more plane rides than I could ever imagine. Admittedly, my wallet is taking a big hit with this one, but this is absolutely an investment in my future and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to go do this. I don’t know what to expect. I’m going to go in with everything I’ve got and just try to take it all in and experience it. It’s good preparation for the school career fair and is going to give me the REAL taste of the industry and the networking and the professionalism. There are so many things I know I’ll get out of this in terms of learning and experience that I can’t even list them all, and I’m planning to seek to get the most out of this trip. There’s going to be a lot to see; it’ll most certainly be a full weekend. And I just imagine coming back to the hotel and just crashing each night, but it will be satisfying. So for me this is HUGE in both a professional and personal way. This will also be even further motivation in my work and practice for the rest of the summer.

I’ll admit, as usual, it isn’t always easy. Sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me and I become discouraged. Some days the industry and the world of animation just feels so big... because it is. But sometimes I just feel so incredibly small and as a result, I feel fearful and nervous and worried and... stressed. But then I remember that this is what I want to do with my life. This is what I’m meant to be doing because I don’t want anything else or anything more than this. It takes a lot of hard work and a lot of patience, but I already knew that.

Just like everything else, as I always say, it’s all both scary and exciting. And I’m just going to take it all as it comes and do my best.


A personal blog to help me stay motivated on the long journey to becoming an animator.

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"I am always doing what I cannot do yet in order to learn how to do it."

- Vincent van Gogh

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