Walk Test REDO
Just to compare the two. I redid this walk cycle. I would have very much liked to have redone the Frog as well, alas things happened....

Critique Day(s): The Busiest Week Ever
Perhaps that's an exaggeration. I'm sure I've had busier weeks and will have busier weeks. But that doesn't make it any less...

Critique Day: Bean Bag
I have been the busiest I've ever been and I only keep getting busier. I barely have time right now to post this as I have to study for 2...

Critique Day: Waving Flag
So this was a bigger flop than last time. Again, I generally expect a pretty average, so-so grade on these. However, I was still feel...

Waving Flag Trial 7
Yea... a lot of trials happened between my last flag post and this one... obviously. There's really no need to show all of them. It'd...