Critique Day: Waving Flag
So this was a bigger flop than last time. Again, I generally expect a pretty average, so-so grade on these. However, I was still feel disappointed. Not in the grade or the feedback, but rather in myself that I still lack a real eye for animation. There were some issues that I was told I had that I still couldn't quite see. Typically, when someone points something out to me I can see it, but my professor pointed out things so subtle that I'm going to have to go back and play it over and over with my notes in front of me to try to find what he was talking about.
Nonetheless, I'm grateful for the feedback I received. I had far too many creases, the physics of my flag weren't exactly correct and it was a bit to heavy. Not exactly flag material. My flip/overturn of the flag was also bad and unnatural. I waved my flag a little too high as well.
This was an all-over very tedious project. It was something I had never done before and got me thinking in ways I had never imagined. The only unfortunate part is that I feel that I will not be able to redo this one. With the complexity of the up-coming project, I will not have the time if I want to do well on the next one. And really, this is how I should be spending my time. I should put my energy into doing really well on the next one rather than worrying about this old project. In the long run, it's probably for the best.
That being said, tonight I have to work out thumbnails and maybe some character sketches for the next project. I'm really sweating it out here. There's no time to rest. I've gotta keep going.