Locomotion WIP: Spline I + Attack Animation
Here's my spline pass. Technically not the first since I got it looked at for Fri-Dailies last night, but here it is. I know there's...

Locomotion WIP: Blocking III
Another blocking pass on this one. Taking feedback I got this weekend.

Locomotion WIP: Blocking II + Playtest + Cycles
Today I submitted my first full blocking pass on my locomotion project. I got a TON of feedback from different people this week, which I...

Locomotion WIP: Blocking I
First blocking pass on my locomotion project. I've already gotten it posted to AM and did Thurs-dailies today. Hoping to get it looked at...

I made an in-game animation!!!
Glorious day! After working on an idle and run cycle animation, I've finally gotten to bring it into Unreal Engine and it works! The...