Kung Fu Fighting WIP + Life Lessons
What do you do when you can't go to the sleep? Start a new animation of course! 1am today I got up in a state of distress and just...

"Special Little Guy"- Animatic with Audio Project
This project was hard. The possibilities were endless and at the same time felt limited. We had to take audio from any movie or show and...

Lip Sync "Lemons" WIP: Practice + Blocking Pass 1
Since I've some how miraculously been ahead in my work, I decided to do some personal animation practice. No hours wasted here! Lip Sync...

Jump Finished
I'll admit, I'm not too satisfied with the results of this one. It got to a point where I kept fixing the ending and refixing it and...

Jump WIP: Splining
Splining has been a journey. It has definitely been the toughest hurdle to finally have it click. I mentioned over break that I...