3D Bean Bag WIP + New Domain Name
Just another day of fixing my 3D bean bag. I got some feedback and am going off the notes I took. As I had talked about before, this...

3D Bean Bag WIP: Blocking Round 2
Just a quick check-in as I went in and blocked some more of my 3D bean beag/flour sack. I also wanted to put this with the original 2D...

3D Bean Bag WIP: Blocking Round 1
In an attempt to try to get a little bit ahead and be prepared for my 3D principles class I'll be taking after the holiday break, I'm...

Final Project Part 4: Final Critique Day
I honestly cannot believe that I'm sitting here right now typing this. That I made it. I got through the this 2D principles class. I...
Rambles #9: ...you mean that other thing
Although I've finally started animating this quarter and feeling like I'm finally doing what I've been meant to do, I've also still been...