"Movement" Poses
Started the first week of Course 02- this Monday and already jumping straight into poses. We'll be starting the walk cycle with the...

AM Course 01: Final Progress Reel
Well this is it. I really can't emphasize enough how happy I am to have made the decision to do Animation Mentor. I'm all set to start...

Personality Walk WIP/Finished: Spline + "Balance" Poses
The final assignment! Other than the final compilation of everything. I'm really hoping I can find the time to get rid of those jitters...

Personality Walk WIP: Blocking II (test)
For some reason it never occurred to me to check the ultimate animation bible, the late Richard Williams' The Animator's Survival Kit for...

Personality Walk WIP: Blocking I + "Exhasuted" Pose
There was a lot going into this week. Not going to lie, it was a lot of restarting and frustration, but I'm feeling better with where I'm...