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Personality Walk WIP/Finished: Spline + "Balance" Poses

The final assignment! Other than the final compilation of everything.

I'm really hoping I can find the time to get rid of those jitters and do better, but just... not right now. I am so mentally exhausted- not to mention I was up until 3am last night (it's like I'm back at SCAD!) trying to get this in a good place- and then I continued to work on it today before submission.

Looking at all the compiled animations and especially this one, I couldn't help, but feel kinda disappointed in myself. I suppose it makes sense that I was supposed to put in course 1. I guess it's natural to feel like you could've done better, but I was hoping I would've felt more accomplished. Nonetheless, I definitely learned a lot from this whole experience and with every assignment, so I know I'm grateful for that.

I think I just bit off more than I could chew with this walk type. Which I honestly didn't anticipate would be as challenging as it was for some reason.

I know it's going to get harder from here, so I gotta keep my chin up and just keep doing my best learning more and more.

1 week to go!


A personal blog to help me stay motivated on the long journey to becoming an animator.

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"I am always doing what I cannot do yet in order to learn how to do it."

- Vincent van Gogh

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