The Busiest Quarter Yet + about my Senior Film...

I can easily say that we've really hit the ground running. The quarter just started Monday and I am already freaking out. It's kind of both a good freaking out and a bad. Of course I'm anxious as always, but I'm also really excited. I am without a doubt going to have my work cut out for me this quarter.
And as a result, my "Kung Fu Fighting" animation will have to be put off to the summer. Especially since I'm hoping to hop on some films this quarter.
Because of the strange circumstances and transition that the program is currently going through, I've had to accelerate forward in my course sequencing and right now I'm bending the rules and also pushing myself a little extra. I got some classes waived so that I could take them this quarter, so basically that means that the classes that I'm taking right now aren't supposed to be taken at the same time. I am in rigging, 3D production, and concept development right now. And each of these are a prerequisite for the other. But because I need to graduate next spring, I need to take concept now so that I can start my Senior I class in the fall of next academic year.
It's confusing, I know, but I'm doing what I must and I can't complain. I'm just grateful that I was able to get these classes waived and work my schedule to the way I need it to. It's not ideal, but it works. It just means that I have to work even harder this quarter to keep up. I mean, it's hard to rig in production when I don't know how to rig yet and am learning how to concurrently. But I'm hoping that I'll have enough knowledge in rigging by the time that part of the process comes up in 3D pro. I have my book and the help of others to help me get to where I need to be. Again, I just need to put in a little extra work.
3D production is overwhelming, but very exciting at the same time. It's taking us all through the entire 3D pipeline and we must do EVERYTHING. Got to bring up those Maya modeling skills back up in my memory. It's exciting though because I'm really going to feel good about myself and accomplished to have made something that I can say I did EVERYTHING myself on. (other than the extracted audio from the film clip). I can say that I modeled, textured, and rigged the characters and that I animated it too. This is something completely my own that I can take full credit for. Something I've had to sacrifice a little in pursuing 3D as the process is so incredibly long. I can't be doing the one-man show thing too often as a 3D person, which is what I want, but every once in awhile I do miss having the ability to say that "I did all this." But that's life. And I can get satisfaction out of doing it this one time. So it's going to be a lot of work. Fortunately, the muppet characters we need to model are intentionally simple and only the upper half is needed. There's no lip-sync and we can focus more on the process and the overall look rather than needing to worry about realistic human-like animation.
As for concept, this is, believe it or not, for my senior film... now that is a subject all it's own.
For my concept that I'm going to develop, I'm planning to use "Knick Knack Paddy Whack" from my screen design class about the dog and the Grim Reaper. For one thing, it's an idea that's already fully developed and it is pretty simple. There are only 2 real characters and the plot isn't crazy or complicated. It's the perfect length too.
Simplicity is good if I want to make a 3D film. I've of course had many ideas bouncing around for years, but none of them are all too developed. So this will also save me time having something that's already fleshed out.
We're creating production blogs for our entire pre-visualization process and also for the rest of the process too I suppose. So I'll be posting my drawings and models and things on a new tumblr:
I debated for a long time with myself weather I wanted to go my usual comedy route or try to make something deep, meaningful, and personal. I feel like we all want to voice a message or tell a super dramatic and deep story. I always said that I want to make an audience feel something with my film. That's how I'll know I've succeeded. Kind of a broad statement as it can be any feeling, weather laughter or tears. I had said for awhile that I wanted to do that deep and meaningful kind of thing. I wanted it to be happy tears. I wanted to be able to have my comedy, but also deliver a powerful and heartfelt message. I think about the short film, The Present by Jacob Frey about the boy and the puppy with 3 legs. It's unexpected and happy and funny, but also hits you in the feels at the end. That's the kind of film that I wanted to make that was both happy and tear-jerking. It's heartfelt. But something like that needs a lot of care and lots of thought and I don't want to risk messing something like that up by not having it developed enough. I'm out of time as it is, so it's best to go forward with what I have. And I can't complain, because at least I have a fully developed idea right now. Some people don't even know yet what they want to make. So even though my idea that I'm pursuing isn't that deep heart-felt stuff, I can still feel that it's a film that I like and have enjoyed working on. And I feel that it does represent me and my sense of humor. It's a dark sense of humor mixed with cuteness, but a little messed up and creepy at the same time. Honestly, if I can make an audience laugh or even remember my film, to me, I will have achieved my goal.
So about my senior film... so some of the changes that are happening is that we will be pitching our ideas to a panel of faculty and if we get green-lit then our films will get made. We'll work in groups of about 5 to pull the production together. That way, there will be fewer films overall, but they were all be (hopefully) amazing.
It's a new idea, but I honestly really like the sound of it. Working collaboratively is necessary and I have to admit, I haven't had my heart set on creating my own film anymore for awhile. That was my ultimate goal when I was a little noobie freshmen who wasn't really sure what she wanted. I mean, I thought I wanted to be a storyboard artist back then.
Now of course, I think that being able to say that you made your own film and have something to show for it is like the ultimate bucket list goal for everyone. I feel it still is in the back of my mind. However, I'm much more open-minded than I was before and I feel like I have more realistic expectations and goals for the future. I want to work on more films to have a variety of work for my reel as well as more experience in general, both animating and working with others. Experience is the key word here.
If my film were to get green-lit though I can't say I'd be unhappy about it. But if I'm not green-lit, which will likely happen, I won't be too disappointed. Honestly, I'll be proud of myself for even getting up there and presenting my idea. I am approaching this whole film thing with no expectations and have a focus on the experience of the process as a whole. Because regardless of whether or not our concept gets green-lit, we have to continue to develop and make changes from the suggestions given to us.
It'll be disheartening for many, but we do what we must. The competition is against everyone in the department and only so many films can get made. So one must put in the passion and work into the concept that is needed to get the idea fully developed and strong, but also be able to not get one's heart too into it that they become deeply disappointed and soul-crushed if it's not picked. That's how I'm trying to go into this. Because like I said, I can't say I have all my hopes and dreams riding on making my own film, but I need to put enough passion into the idea and the work in order to get it to the level it needs to be at.
It's complicated and confusing, but I know what I want and what I need. And the bottom line is I am very happy with all the work that I have to do this quarter.
I see lots of satisfaction as well as growth to come out of this quarter.
My skills will see an enormous improvement. I hope that this will be what I need to go into senior year with confidence.