Vanilla Walk WIP: Rough Blocking + "Physical Strength" Poses
Started on the lecture material and demo videos, but waiting to see what I learn in class tonight before I continue. I really just wanted to test things out today and I'm actually really blown away by how much I feel like I've learned just from these videos. I don't really know how to put it into words, but it just feels like my understanding of the walk cycle and the process feels different and just more solid than ever before.
Here's my unfinished plan below. The X rotations are incorrect, btw.

Before I had always learned the walk cycle in place and then ways to have it move forward without using the placement. And then when it came to actually animating forward and not in a cycle, I always felt very clunky and fumbly with it. I knew what to do and I'd studied the walks chapter in The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams so much in all my years of animation-degree chasing, that it feels like the image is permanently burned into my eyeballs. But I suppose it's just the step-by-step process or the order in which to think about putting together the walk has shifted into a greater understanding. I really don't know. Because in a way it's like the videos didn't tell me or point out anything new that I didn't know before. But at the same time, I just felt more sure and less clumsy when it came to applying it.
Anyway, I'm excited to continue on with this and keep making revisions to the Tailor animation. Also need to get questions answered tonight so I can keep working on my poses for this week.