Swing Test WIP: Spline II + Freelance + Life Update
Perhaps a really unnecessary progress report for this one. I need to come up with a better name other than "Swing Test."
Only worked on the first half today and got critique. Still needs a lot of work on spacing and arcs, but it's getting there. Poses have improved some.
Also, here is an animation test for my first freelance gig. Making an animation demonstrating scientific lab equipment; products/devices. In this case a Pipettor. I've been working on the model this week and while it's still in progress and not at all rigged yet, I need to throw together a rough animation for a general concept of the final project.
So far, so good.
Today, I worked mainly on the Bat Sniper animation, taking the notes from the other night. I wanted to spend more time on it. I then did some work on my quadruped, and then to wrap up the night I continued working on the Pipettor model. Earlier on, I also took the time to gather some parkour reference and start deciding on my next project.
I figure that maybe I should push back my quadruped a little bit and try to nail down more bipedal animation, but with the live action reference.
I'm trying to do some quick quadruped poses in my sketchbook now as I unwind. I'm even using the lion reference footage.
Just felt like putting in a little life update since the start of post-grad life. There's a lot on my mind right now. It's as rough as everyone says it is. I guess I can't complain too much, but it's exactly what I was trying to prepare myself for.
Thankfully, AM classes start up this upcoming week! Hopefully that will also help me stay in the mindset.
I got a lot better this week getting more things done and making time for everything. I know that I need to now, sit down with my calendar and schedule out solid deadlines for everything.
My goal is to have a brand new reel by the end of this summer. What I want my reel to look like is as follows (not in this order):
-1 Quadruped
-1 body mechanic w/ live reference
-1 acting w/ live reference
-1 stylized body mechanic
-1 take down/heavy character
I'm thinking the Bat Sniper one I'm working on would be the stylized body mechanic, since I'm making it a little more cartoony and video-game like and more my own.
The parkour reference I collected today will be my body mechanic live action one. Finding/creating reference for the acting one will be hard, as I always get away from the reference with performance. And also, I'm still so stiff acting. But it's something I know I HAVE to do. And lastly, I've been batting around ideas for the heavy character one. I just know I need to have that variety in body types on my reel. It's unfortunate that I won't have access to the other AM body mechanic rigs this summer; not until course 2.
Still, I have a lot to work towards. Some days I'm pumped and other days I'm shaking. It's all just going to be a lot of patience as I always say. And keeping a positive attitude. I'm hoping to have a job by my birthday in November. So we'll see if that happens. If I stick to my schedule and make it all look good, it can.