"For Luna" short film: Finished!
It's really funny seeing how the film progressed. Our rig and our textures changed so much, it's scary. And I even included the shots that got cut just to see how it evolved.
May 22, 2019 marks the day that we wrapped our senior film!! Yea we actually finished early. After all the struggles we went through and moments of hopelessness where we did not think we would finish. We did it. And I am so proud of how hard our team has worked and that we kept going even when things looked bleak.
I'll admit, I was even ready to give up on the film and just work on individual shots, but not as a narrative. But cutting down the film was the best decision we could've made and it's how we were able to be where we are now. Seeing tons of people still rendering now, I feel grateful to not be in that position and that the final week of senior year won't be full of that stress.
I am grateful for everything that this filmmaking experience has taught me. Even though I don't have any demo reel-worthy shots, I can't say I didn't gain anything from it. It is my one regret, that nagging feeling making me feel bad- making me wish I had done more or rather just done better. Quality over quantity. But I can't change the past. I did the best that I could under the given circumstances. Not just in terms of the film, but also my workload and even my mental health at the time would allow.
I admit I did put more priority on shots for my character class last quarter, which isn't a bad thing because I did get some good pieces from that class, but also I feel I could have tried harder to balance it more. Again, no worrying about it now.
It's done. And even though it's a not-quite-perfect film, and I wince a little when I see my animation, I am very grateful for what I have learned from it both technically and also collaboratively.
Thank you, For Luna.