Start again

As I start the spring quarter and my final quarter here at SCAD, I am making plans for what I'll be animating during this time before graduation. I have to take 2 required lectures in order to complete my degree along with the postproduction of the senior film. That means I have to schedule myself animation wise.
So this is a longer project I've started. First time doing a sequence with cuts and also first time with 2 characters acting. It's a little ambitious for where I'm at and my experience so far, but I suppose you have to start somewhere and if I'm giving myself the entire quarter to work on this instead of my normal 2 weeks then who knows.
In addition, I'm trying now to fix my "Frickin' Cruel" animation for my reel before I apply to the rest of the companies I'm trying to go for this month. ESPECIALLY this month. April seems to be the month of deadlines.
Already got some rejection emails, but still chugging along. Also will be updating my cat animations on here once I finish shot 1 for Wednesday. Hoping to polish up until render.
Other than that, focus, focus, focus on reel-worthy shots.
Also, in testing out the Zoey Rig from, I tried making a quick walk cycle and it made me realize how much this is something I need to work on. For one thing, walk cycles are a vital thing for me to know obviously, but it made me really see how it really needs work for me. So another goal. I'm going to try incorporating walk cycles into some regular exercise for myself as well as maybe making those short bursts of body mechanics animations like I did over the break.
Lots to work on.