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Lana: the Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing Story Concept

Just a story concept that I've been bouncing around for a bit now. I didn't come up with this until later and I kinda wish I had pitched this one. But it's far from fully developed. I just jotted down some ideas here and there.

Copied and pasted from my phone. might update later...

Lana: the Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing I have to laugh whenever people ask things like “does she know?” “How long have you known?” Although it’d be quite a funny story if I didn’t know all this time, I can’t say there’s any denying it. Even a child can understand when they don’t look like their parents and that this is a little odd compared to the other families that they see. Yes. I am adopted. It is both a curse and yet a beautiful blessing. Don’t for one second think that I might be ungrateful. Trust me, I love my parents and I know for certain with all my heart that they love me more than I will ever know. Heh.. that sounds pretty corny huh? But my point is, i don’t feel plagued or upset or sorry for myself because I am adopted. Some people think of adoption how it is in the movies where it’s super tragic and the heroine’s parents died or never loved them and then they’re on this deep and meaningful quest to find their birth parents. If I’m being honest, I’ve never really given much thought to my birth parents. I know that for some adoptees this is a big deal depending on their circumstances, but for me it’s never felt like a goal. Of course I’ve been curious but ultimately I don’t feel like there’s a part of me missing or anything. I think sometimes that maybe it’s because I feel no connection to my birth parents. I mean, how would I even be able to relate? I’ve been raised by sheep and therefore I am one. My birth parents are Wolfish. They speak a different language and come from a different culture. If I wasn’t adopted I would not be at all the person I am today. I don’t know where I’d be. But I can’t say that I would want anything other than what I have now. —— Growing up my parents raised me with an open mind and an open heart. Of course they always gave me the speech of love has no color, no shape, no species. That I am their kid and they love me plain and simple. They’re good parents. I’ve always had a close relationship with both my mom and my dad. Sometimes I would say closer than most. But undoubtedly they were not prepared for those who wouldn’t see our family exactly the way we do. Regardless of how many times it’s been drilled into my brain that my family doesn’t see species, the rest of the world does. And they can’t ignore it and sometimes they make it so that I can’t ignore it. I don’t think about the fact that I’m a wolf constantly, in case you were wondering that. Why should I? Do you wake up every morning and think about what you are? No. Of course you don’t. Going to school, I didn’t think of myself as different from everyone else. I liked the same things my friends did. I grew up doing the same things my friends did. What differences were there? I don’t want to seem cynical or paranoid or anything because I’m not. I don’t feel like I’m being oppressed because to be honest most of the people in my short life have treated me like a person. As they should. All of my friends became friends with me for me. They never saw me as different they just saw me as another person. But I can’t deny that there have been incidents where I did face discrimination and did deal with people calling attention to my species. One incident I remember was soon after my mom found out she was pregnant with my sister. It was a surprise to us all but I couldn’t be happier. I was so excited and I was telling all my friends and classmates that I was going to be a big sister. But there was one girl in my class who kinda smirked and commented, “well... she’s not really your sister.” I was taken aback. Here I was so excited about my news and this girl felt the need to be a smartass for no reason. I replied after collecting myself again, “yes she is.” And he girl replied, “well yes but not technically.” I remember trying to argue with her telling her that it doesn’t matter. That blood didn’t mean anything and that my soon-to-be baby sister was all a sister to me as anyone else’s siblings, but of course this girl wasn’t speaking to have an open discussion, she was speaking just to be heard. Sometimes kids would pull their ears up and stretch them real high and say, “look! I’m a wolf!” Or they’d just start howling at me asking me if I could understand them. I always hated it whenever friends would say things like “oh you should date Raphael.” A foreign exchange student in the class who was the only other wolf in our grade. I didn’t understand why people always needed “matching” pairs. The boy I had a crush on was Jason. And of course he was a sheep. But I didn’t think about that. Despite how it may look I’d say we’re a pretty average family. My mom knits us sweaters, my dad sews pants. My mom works in an office, my dad is a hairdresser.


A personal blog to help me stay motivated on the long journey to becoming an animator.

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"I am always doing what I cannot do yet in order to learn how to do it."

- Vincent van Gogh

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