Chase/Escape Finished: "Runaway Groom"
Finally finished this thing. This was such a fun project to work on and perhaps it was even more fun because of the idea that I went with.
I would love to animate something like this again some time.
I wish that I could've made this feel more finalized with more detail and polish as well as cleaning up Goon's animation.
But onwards and upwards!
Next and last project will be my first ever dialogue so we'll see how that goes.
As the end of the quarter is winding to a close I'm feeling overwhelmed. I want to take the time to make the dialogue great, but I'm also working on the 3D layout for our film as well as some shots for the other student film. And I still can't forget to do my online class. Also, let's not forget that I'm trying to also develop myself and my brand professionally in prep for CTN.