Run Cycle Finished + Apt Model
Turned in my walk cycle earlier this week and I am currently working on the next assignment which is the "Chase/Escape".
This is going to be a big one and it's going to definitely be challenging, but if I pull this off and get this looking really good, I think it could be an excellent reel place. So I want to work very hard and very carefully with this one.
The idea for my story for this one is that I want it to take place at a wedding or I guess a wedding reception and I'm going to have the character be a runaway groom. I'm going to have him dodging tables and ducking under a waiter's tray and over the food table with the wedding cake on it. It's going to end with him leaping over a balcony and falling offscreen.
It feels like a lot, but I've really cut it down to a few main actions.
Right now I have the shot blocked out for timing. This is my first time ever animating a camera.
Also I finished the main furniture for the living room so now I've put the whole apartment together. It's still rough as I still need to revise a lot of things. Sharpen up edges and resize stuff to scale. I need to model some more things like decor and things. And then I'll get working on UV's. But it's getting there. It's starting to come together.