Run Cycle WIP + Apartment Model
I have a run cycle test due this week and I believe this is my first ever animated run cycle.

I also am nearly finished with modeling this kitchen for the apartment in the senior film.
Everything is still very rounded off as I wanted it to be more easily editable if any changes are to be made. I'm going to later add more edgeloops especially for texturing.
Pretty soon I'll start trying to work with the UV's and see if I can get those working.
I'm hoping to start the living room this week. I've already got the couch down, though I'll probably tweak it some more.
In other news, with the Activision Blizzard Internship application deadline coming up on the 19th, I am hoping to apply and therefore am trying to punch out my kung fu animation so I can have something nice for my reel.
The reel I have now hasn't been updated since March and I've grown a lot since then in my work. A lot of it all is really embarrassing unfortunately, but I'm trying to fix that. Not just for this application, but also for CTN of course.
I've put a lot more pressure on myself on top of the regular coursework coming in. I'm nervous and although I'm certain my chances are slim as far as this app goes, I'd like to be able to say that I tried and also it's a good motivator for me to get moving on my personal shots.