Walk + Stop Finished
Absolutely exhausted right now, but satisfied.
This animation has come a VERY long way in the week and half that I've been working on it. And the next project I'll have even less time.
Lots of frustration and tears went into this thing and it's only assignment 2, but the reward is so worth it when you have a good-looking shot.
Some days are easier than others when it comes to judging your work and taking in judgement. Something I want to work on for myself is focusing on the long-term gratification. I may feel frustrated or disappointed in the moment, but the result of picking myself back up and making the changes that I need to is always so rewarding.
As far as preparing for CTN goes, I have decided to just keep working on and polishing what I make in class. The common rule is to not include class work on your reel, but as this is all I have time for I'm going to work hard to get really creative with these assignments, make them my own, and polish them really nice for the end of the quarter.
I've tried scheduling in time to work on my personal shots, and it honestly just isn't going that way. I would much rather have nice-looking shots that I was able to spend a lot of time on than something rushed and constantly picked up and put down repeatedly.