Start of Summer + Cat Walk Test Blocking Pass
Now that I've finally found the time and energy, I want to give my wrap-up of this school year and talk about this summer.
So I've said it over and over again, how this year has been such a growth year and that I've learned so, so much in just the past 9 months. From this time last year, I feel like my knowledge of everything animation has increased tremendously. It's seriously so hard to believe how much has changed in just one year.
I only wish that I had the knowledge back then that I have now. Because then that would've been two summers of getting that much better. But of course, there's no turning back the clock and I didn't know what I didn't know.
But now this summer is so crucial. It's the last summer before graduation and it's scary beyond belief. But I'm doing my best to lock in and focus and not worry about the future. Anxiety often gets in the way of being present and actually using the time that I have to learn. I'm always so scared of the fact that I'm not good enough yet and that I won't be by the time that I need to be. But that's something that I can't spend time thinking about. Instead, I need to use the time I have to just keep working and taking the steps to get there. And in that sense, you'll get there without even thinking about it. It's easier said than done, but I just need to stay in the right mindset.
I'm grateful to have the senior project to keep me busy and working this summer as well as the grad film that I've been working on. These things will all help to keep me going even if I can't think of my own personal animations to work on (which, I AM still doing that).
I definitely want to finish my kung fu animation and also try to do some more performance animations. I really wanted to practice more modeling this summer as well. Maybe give Zbrush another shot. And I do feel that I shouldn't forget about rigging if possible. So... I guess basically everything.
For the senior project, I need to be practicing quadruped animation and doing some environmental modeling.
This blocking pass above is my very first attempt ever at animating a four-legged creature. I need to get used to the patterns and order of things. It did feel different from working with biped rigs, but I'm determined to get better.
This is just the first try afterall. And I have lots of motivators to keep working on it.
So I suppose that's all for now until my next animation update.