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Finals for Rigging + Concept

My animation test for the final rig.

My final animatic for concept.

I have a lot to say, but I'm going to save it for a later post. Just wanted to show my final projects for these 2.

I was surprised that after the major struggle I've had with rigging and weight-painting that my professor told me I should keep up with it because I'm good.

That's the encouragement I think I needed to hear. And I really feel like trying to keep working on it.

As for the animatic, at the time I presented it, I literally had no sleep the night prior. I officially was awake for about 36 hours straight with no napping in between. I worked on the animatic and this rig up until I had to go to class at 2pm.

So when I presented I was really exhausted and I'm afraid it was obvious that I wasn't really into it anymore. At this point, I had made so many changes to my story that it just wasn't funny anymore and really just didn't feel like mine.

But that's all in the past now and I can move forward. I'm finding more and more that it was probably for the best that I didn't get this idea greenlit. I wasn't quite prepared visually and I began to lose sight of the idea.

But I just want to say I'm still happy with all that was accomplished in these classes.


A personal blog to help me stay motivated on the long journey to becoming an animator.

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"I am always doing what I cannot do yet in order to learn how to do it."

- Vincent van Gogh

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