"Knick Knack Paddy Whack" Storyboard
For this class, we all had to create a storyboard for a story about a lost dog. We could take it in any direction we like so of course, I take it in a dark comedy direction.
I summarize this story as: After the death of its owner, a small dog seeks the attention of a new master.
It ended up going over really well with the class. The professor then told me that he would put it in his "Hall of Fame" meaning he would show it to the other professors, the chair, and the dean.
So that was pretty confidence-boosting. I'll admit, going into the critique day I was beginning to have my doubts, worried that the story wasn't as good as I had thought or that people wouldn't get it. I was afraid that it would come off as offensive, or just be stupid and not funny.
But I got some solid laughs.
I would even consider this as a possible senior project idea.
I originally had a much longer idea that involved a deeper and sadder ending. Or not really a tragic ending, but something that would get you in the feels. But then it just got too long and I really can't imagine it going with what I ended up making here.
Some side note of VERY little importance, I just finished wrestling with my YouTube accounts and my Vimeo. I realize it's more trouble than it's worth and that it really doesn't matter because no one is going to be diving into either of my channels deep enough to see the disorganized mess of videos except for me. But I was getting frustrated. Mostly because I had created my "professional" YouTube and Vimeo accounts, but I ended uploading tons of content that I would never have on my reel or want to show to any companies. I really don't know what I was thinking. And just now I was scrambling to put them all on private or unlisted. But then I was concerned that the places that I shared them on would no longer work, such as on this blog and on social media. That did happen, but I then just decided to not care too much about it. If anyone really wants to look at it again, they can just let me know.
But then I was trying to go about uploading everything to my personal channel, as that would make the most sense to have the hard work I put in somewhere it can still be seen but not on a "professional" profile. But I realized how much work that would be needing to re-enter all the information and the replace all the links to everywhere I could've possibly shared it.
Again, more trouble than it's worth. I'm just going to have to live with the jumbled mess that are my video channels, deep in the archives. I think that as long as the important videos and my REEL are at the top, it shouldn't matter.
That rant was longer than I was intending.