Sit, Stand, Run Finished
Hallelujah! *passes out*
I'm calling it.
Finally moving on. Of course, this was where I had to stop as tomorrow is my "deadline" since I'll be shipping my computer out for repairs.
I'm just glad to be able to say I brought it to this level of completion because I was really losing hope in the days leading up to now.
As I had mentioned in my last update, I was getting pretty darn discouraged with the work and trying to fix it all.
But I powered through. This has been the most challenging 3D animation I have attempted so far, but it's another step towards "being good at animation."
Now, onto school where the real fun begins. It's a little crazy to think that this will be my very first 3D animation class. Up until this Monday, I have not had a formal lesson in 3D animation. So hopefully this will be a good head start and I can take on the class with semi-confidence.
I'm both excited and nervous for this class as well as the entire quarter. I'll be taking Screen Design as well, which is basically storyboarding with ToonBoom.
It's all so exciting getting into the actual animation classes and more and more relevant to what I want to be doing.