Sit, Stand, Run WIP: Splining Round 1
So this had some... interesting results.
kind of a trainwreck
I was going bit-by-bit with the splining as I should, but I found the error in my ways. I knew that especially with a scene like this that the playback would not be very accurate, but I think I underestimated how much it would be slowed down after splining occurred.
It wasn't until playblasting the whole thing that I noticed all of these problems. I had playblasted parts I was working on. They had me a little concerned speed-wise, but I wasn't too worried. But seeing it as a whole now, it's kind of messed up.
So I'm going to have to really go back in here and fix the timing tremendously on this whole thing. It's kind of funny how the run is so incredibly slow compared to the rest of it.
I'm thinking that my problem is that I have too many frames side-by-side. As I've learned, 1's = faster animation. I've been running into an issue though where deleting frames leads to a lot of jumping, so I guess I'm just going to have to zero in on this even more now to get this right.
It's getting there. Definitely a lot more complex than my little bean bag.