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Sleepy Malcolm Finished

My final product.

I always feel uneasy calling something "final" when I know that there's so much more I could do with it or so much that needs fixing. But you need to tell yourself to stop at some point and move onto the next thing. A deadline is a deadline. And your supervisor/director will be the one to tell you if it's "final" or not.

Although my "deadline" is for tomorrow night at midnight, I was feeling pretty good with finishing here and I feel ready to start the next project, which I've already shot reference for today.

Some of my own notes, would be that I got kind of lazy with splining towards the end. I'll admit, I didn't take too much time with moving the fingers. I feel like I could dedicate a whole day just to perfecting the small finger movements. It's not that there has to be a lot of movement, but I could've taken the time to perfect how each joint moves.

I had some issues towards the end when he drops his head down. It looked kind of clunky. Of course, it was really hard to tell how it looked until I actually playblasted it.

I really liked focusing in on the facial expressions and just working with the upper half for a change. The character felt more alive and therefore made it more fun to work with.

For my next project, I plan to work with audio and try lip-syncing. Although I've attempted to do projects with audio before, I never got even close to completion and actually never even made it to the lip sync part. So this will be a first for me. Another first is that I'm going to try to work with two rigs at the same time in this scene.

I pray to the animation gods that there won't be any technical difficulties with this.


A personal blog to help me stay motivated on the long journey to becoming an animator.

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"I am always doing what I cannot do yet in order to learn how to do it."

- Vincent van Gogh

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