Ballet Splining (wrap-up)

Perhaps the most terrifying part to me is finishing. It's the most satisfying obviously, but at this point where I'm doing playblast after playblast to catch the little mistakes, I get so nervous. I've done this many times for various things whether it be for a 2D animation, a motion graphic, or even a drawing. I will say it's "finished" and render it and edit it as complete, and then I got to play it back all final and then I see that there's a mistake and it's not finished and I go back in and fix it and then go through the rendering process all over again.
So it's more like I have final cut, final cut 2, final cut 3, etc. But at some point I just need to keep moving forward as I'm always saying.
I am currently working to have a final render. Still sorting out technical issues. I forgot about the lighting being different in the render view from the batch.
EDIT: I've decided that because of this being a practice kind of thing, I'm leaving it as a playblast. It's really not necessary to fully render something like this. I did render it and put it through premier but the timing got a little screwed up so, I'll just leave it at this and move on to the next one.