Small, Long Overdue Update
I'll admit that I have not been feeling at my best lately emotionally and have been rather fatigued. Nonetheless, I felt that I oughta hop onto the blog just to write. I have still been watching the ZBrush tuts throughout the week. It's all still super introductory and I'm just learning the interface and becoming comfortable with using the program.
In a sense, I can't say that I've done absolutely nothing. It's just that I haven't really done anything that I felt was worth writing about.
I modeled some really ugly heads in Zbrush and that's about it. I've been feeling kind of lost as I am "in between projects". Since finishing the (really lousy) animated walk cycle, I've been trying to think of what to animate next and find decent reference video.
I was trying for awhile to figure out how I could possibly make the 1 second everyday/24 frames a day challenge work for me. But it's hard with 3D. I considered just going ahead and doing it in 2D as it's a lot easier, but part of me feels that it'll be a waste to spend my time on that instead of learning what I actually want to be pursuing. But then the other part of me says, "No. Just. Do. It." Because 2D animation is better than no animation. And additionally, I'll be doing 2D principles this fall anyway.
I think anxiety has gotten the best of me this week in terms of productivity. I realized that a big part of my problem is just how my brain does that thing again where I think of all the things that I want to be learning and then I can't figure out where to start so I just don't. I know I should be animating in Maya, but part of me feels like I should work on modeling and see if I can get good at that as something else to do even though it's not my main focus. I also want to do another C4D tutorial, but I need to find a good one first. And then another part of me just wants to work on drawing. The cycle starts over again and it really all comes down to that idea that I'm starting from the bottom (absolute beginner) on everything. I feel like if I even had one leg up on one of these things, I'd feel like I have a little more direction on where to start. Alas, I do not and I should just suck it up and DO SOMETHING.
I know I'll repeat myself again and again throughout this blog, but I only really have myself to annoy so that's OK.
That's all I have for now. Hopefully, my next post will actually be something interesting and either WIP or complete.