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Walk Cycle Finish(ish) + ZBrush Day 3 & 4

I took a loot back at my walk cycle and I decided I oughta keep moving forward.

I'm not too torn up about not getting this thing perfect. I feel kind of weird calling this "finished" when it looks this bad. But honestly I think just starting over is the best thing to do. It's not giving up, it's moving forward. I'm not stopping, I'm just going to keep working on becoming better at animating.

I chalk this up to one of my lessons. I know that becoming good isn't going to happen overnight. And this was one of my first 3D animations so of course it's going to look like it. It's OK to have sucky work as a novice animator. We've all got to start somewhere. I look forward to looking back at this and feeling so embarrassed. I mean, it's I'm a beginner now and I'm already embarrassed looking at this.

The twitchy arms and sideway foot is kind of an eye sore. I'm already thinking about what I could do differently next time. I'm thinking maybe I will block to ones next time and then spline. Perhaps I'd have more control over the movement by doing that. Also, as I mentioned in my previously, having better reference that has a still camera may make it all look way better. Oh, and keep an eye on your shot-cam, stupid!

And I'll admit that I went into the splining blindly. I had no idea what I was doing and the graph editor overwhelmed me a tad.

I've found some very drawn-out and specific tutorials on blocking that I'm going to take a crack at today.

Yesterday and this morning I watched 2 more ZBrush tuts. They were pretty much just teaching me more about the interface, which was honestly what I need right now. Going into ZBrush was intimidating. All the buttons and the layout just seemed crazy. But just in watching these first few videos just on the interface, I feel so much more comfortable.

I'm taking baby steps and that's OK. I'm just happy to be here.


A personal blog to help me stay motivated on the long journey to becoming an animator.

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"I am always doing what I cannot do yet in order to learn how to do it."

- Vincent van Gogh

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