ZBrush Tuts II + Ko-Fi
I've started watching another ZBrush tutorial this morning. This one was a lot clearer and better than the one I watched yesterday. It was again just very basic, but I'm blow away at what intricate kind of sculpting you can do just starting off.
I understand the interface a lot better this time and I feel like I'm kind of relating the work flow in someways to Photoshop oddly enough. I feel like I'll be able to have fun with this if I keep at it.
Something else I started today was a Ko-Fi page. It's kind of like a Patreon or GoFundMe kind of system where you can start a page for people to donate money to you to support your work. I saw a lot of people on Tumblr use it. I found out about this website a few months back and I really liked the look of it. Also, because I feel really awkward asking for money, asking for coffee just feels a little nicer not to mention that $3 feels less grabby. It's more like an online tip jar. I think it's a super cute idea to be honest.
I was going to hold off on making the account until I had some more work to show, but I figured why not just make the account now and then just wait to promote it later. So right now my account is pretty sad. I didn't share any work or anything on the page yet and I probably will hold off on that for now.
I'm thinking that if it turns that I am able to go to Hong Kong in the spring then I will start sharing the Ko-Fi page to Facebook and stuff then because it will feel like I have more reason to. But if not, I'll just share it around that time anyway because I'll have more and (hopefully) better work by then. I'll also embed the button onto my Animatatoes blog and maybe my personal Tumblr too.
Ideally though, regardless of when I decide to share my Ko-Fi page, I really want to make an animation to promote it with. It'll probably end up being 2D, but a little animation talking about what the money would be used for and how it's helpful to me would make me feel a lot better because then I would feel like I actually earned any donations I would get because I actually made work. Also I think having some kind of fun animation for people to look at would just look better anyway. I thought about just doing a kind of drawing or comic strip, but I'm a frickin' animatator damn it! If I'm going to have a blurb about this donation thingy I'm going to do it in an animatation.