Blocking Progress + C4D Tut + Pomodoro Technique

Today has been an actually really productive day. I ended up not getting any work done yesterday (guiltily). I decided to call it a holiday for myself so that I didn't feel so bad and told myself that I would just start animation work during the day today. And I did!
It goes without saying, but it's such a great feeling. I've worked the whole day up to this point.

I got new reference video and I'm chipping away at just a basic walk cycle in Maya. It's a lot of work and takes a lot of patience just to block this thing but I'm happy.
And thank god for the Pomodoro method. I learned about this method months ago and any time I use it, it works every time.
I set a timer for 25 minutes, work during that time, and then take a 5 minute break. Then I start working for another 25 minutes. It keeps me focused and I get so much more done. It keeps me on track. I got a Pomodoro timer app for my phone and it works wonders.
I decided after dinner to stop for the day in Maya and try another C4D tutorial. I tried another title sequence effect tutorial, however I needed to have a fancy plug-in to do it, so I switched to a different tutorial. One that I've been wanting to do for a couple years now.
It's actually not too hard so far. It probably helps that I have some modeling experience in Maya now. I'm trying to make these inflatable carrots. Another one from Greyscalegorilla.

Once I finish this tutorial, I'm going to try to apply it to make my own thing. I'm only saving progress like this to my blog.
That's all for now. I'm getting really tired. I made the stem for the carrot but I messed it up somewhere along the lines and have been trying to redo it for about an hour. I don't know if something got screwed up in beginning, because now a ton of stuff isn't working on it. So I'm just going to tackle it tomorrow and do part 2.