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Walk Scare Blocking WIP

I went back in to add more blocking to the blocking that I had already. I did more with the hands and added blocking to the face.

I can see why people suggest using a male reference with a male rig and female for female. I shot the reference video of myself because... well that's obvious. But I wanted to use the Malcolm rig as that is supposed to be the best rig out there right now and it's what my school uses. I can see with the walk though that it's pretty feminine. I'll live with it though.

(I've already sinned. I changed the camera angle for this second shot! :o I just decided to post a different angle to show his face better. The first angle is the original and is the same angle as my reference).

Honestly, since this is my first time really animating in Maya* I'm just letting what happens, happen. Because at this point I'm just trying to play and experiment. I'm getting used to the controls, blocking, splining, and really just learning to think 3 dimensionally. I am having fun and it is satisfying.

The more I can enjoy and have fun with this the better. I'm already figuring out things that I want to be thinking about when I do this again. For this I'm going to try to move on now.

I feel like the timing is off on this whole thing. I could probably stand a little more holding and snappier movement. I got off my reference towards the middle since I cut the whole animation shorter so I stopped being able to rely on it for timing, but I did my best.

It's always breaking it in that's toughest. Now that I've really tried 3D animating, I have a better feel for what I need to work on next and things I should try.

It feels like there's so much more to think about. Malcolm is a lot more complex of a rig than what I probably would've tried to start with before. But I really like using the picker and having the costume changes. It makes it a little more fun. I might take a look at using some of my other simpler rigs so I can think about the motion even more and not feel distracted by all the details.

*I’ve played with blocking in the past and I did that little thing with the Mery rig last night, but I’m going to count this as my first animation since it’ll be the first time I went through the full process with making reference video and everything.


A personal blog to help me stay motivated on the long journey to becoming an animator.

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"I am always doing what I cannot do yet in order to learn how to do it."

- Vincent van Gogh

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