My first ever 3D blocking pass

And it even looks like my first ever! Because... it's... it needs work.
I ended up shortening it compared to my reference because I ended up breaking the rig by having the character walk off of the base. Which I think is something that can easily be avoided. I either move the knee controls or I just don't move the character off of the base and just move the base with the character.
Also, don't you love it when you take a class and then actually are able to apply the knowledge you learned from that class into real life? Yea! I was totally doing the action analysis thing to help me make these poses and really break them down. (Also, since I shifted the timeline a bit I had to draw the poses so I could know how to make it since I couldn't reference it directly anymore).

I definitely knew that action analysis was definitely going to come in handy for animation. I mean that's the whole point, obviously. I just felt the need to point this out due to the fact that in all my years of schooling I have been required to take so many classes that I never used the knowledge from ever again. I guess I'm just feeling grateful for having had this class in time to start working on this stuff.
And though it wasn't extremely helpful, I used my little poseable figure to help me too. She wasn't perfect especially since the rig I'm using is a guy, but it helped me think about the gesture nonetheless.

I'm thinking that perhaps I shouldn't have left the T-pose in there at the beginning. But I'm learning. I'm honestly so new to this that the idea of going in and taking it apart and moving frames around and stuff just scares me. I'm so afraid of messing something up and not being able to reverse it. I've already had trouble copying and pasting the poses just from selecting things I guess I'm not supposed to.
Something else to think about is how I'm not having him look before he reacts. Even though I was only doing body for this and no facial expressions, I think his head needs to do something before his body does in a way of acknowledging the thing that he is reacting to. And I see that his landing is a little strange like he just kind of floats down after he jumps. I need to give him more weight.
As this is just the blocking, I'm interested to see how this looks all smoothed and fluid.