Final Modeling Project + All-Nighters

So this thing finally got done. That's all that matters at this point. I spent hours just trying to render and then I'd go in and change things when I'd see something off. But the unfortunate stupid part is that I, for some reason, kept changing the lighting with each render so these all look inconsistent. There's a lot of things wrong with these and you can tell that I was rushing. But I got it done. Not perfect, but complete.
It's funny how the whole 3 studios thing was going fine all quarter and as soon as finals week happened, everything exploded.
I don't know if it's because I got worn out or if that's just how it goes because it's finals. I pulled several all-nighters leading up to it.

Partially, I'll admit that I feel embarrassed and slightly ashamed at this fact. All-nighters have become a bragging right, but really it's looked at by professors as more of a sign of procrastination. And this idea kind of upsets me. Because I strongly believe that I didn't procrastinate. I mean, of course, I like an average human being, put things off and stalled a bit. But I felt like I was working hours on end every single day. Like not a day went by that I wasn't working on something. So I really don't know what happened. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that a lot of things that I planned to get done ended up taking longer than I thought that they would. At my old school, whatever I had written down in my agenda to accomplish would get done exactly on those days and at those times that I had planned for. This year, and specifically this quarter, it's been a completely different animal. Everything takes longer to do than I expect it to and I think it's because the standards are so much higher. Professors don't want us to just settle. The whole "it's good enough" idea doesn't really fly. And most of the students here feel that and we become perfectionists and keep working on it. Of course this is a good thing. But I think it explains why things get worked on to the last minute. Yes, sometimes it's because of procrastination, but I think a lot of times it's because of the fact that if I were to theoretically finish a project a week or two early, I'd be too nervous to just forget about it. I would feel like there's so much more that I could do with it to make it even closer to perfection since I have the extra time anyway.
Because why not keep working on it if you have the time? And thus, working up to the last minute happens. Because once the deadline arrives, then you can officially feel that there's nothing else you can do and stop working on it guilt-free.