Body KUN Poseable Model

Last Friday, this little toy that I ordered finally arrived in the mail. This thing had been advertised on my Facebook news feed and I totally impulse bought it in the middle of class a few weeks back.
The thoughts that ran through my head was how helpful it would be for gesture drawing as well as 3D character posing. I also was in love with the fact that the figure came with a stand, a bunch of various hands, and props. So I went for it. It was on sale for $40 when it was normally $90 anywhere else. I wrote this review on their website. I gave it 3 out of 5 stars. Maybe I would prefer a 2.5 just because of its flimsiness.
For as expensive as this was I was expecting a bit higher quality. It was also smaller than I was expecting. I got this because it was on sale so it was a little more worth it. Overall, the figurine is pretty cool. It's very poseable and I love the fact that it comes with different hands and props for more acting and story-telling. As an animation student, I can definitely appreciate this for gesture drawing as well as character posing in Maya. I also found it interesting that the figure is actually balanced and if you set it up just right it can stay standing without the stand. The stand also doubles as a case for all the accessories. However, I was disappointed in the quality. some of the hands are harder to put on than others and the plastic feels flimsy as if it can break if I push to hard. The stand also doesn't hold in place perfectly. A small nudge can make it come undone. If the pieces actually snapped into place, it'd be much more efficient. All-in-all, I don't regret buying it and it is fun to play with and pose. But it's definitely not perfect and would not be at all worth the original non-sale price.
Regardless, I think I can still have fun with this. Here are some really low-quality, poorly-taken photos of it.