Final Modeling Project WIP

Yea... I can't say this is going too well at this point. It looks like a shot from Paranormal Activity or one of those found-footage kinda films ^^ hehe...
This isn't the camera angle that I'm planning on using for this. I'm going with worm's eye view. But yea, this is what I have so far. I'm panicking because I need to get this done and I feel like it doesn't look like anything.
Additionally, my biggest fear is just the idea that I'll go to texture and my UV map will be screwed up because bad decisions I made in the modeling process; thus, forcing me to go back and redo it.
We'll just have to wait and see I guess. Until then I'm just going to keep plowing through.
UPDATE: After working on my chair in class some today, I'm a little happier with how it looks. Still much to do.