thinking out loud

(decided to take a break from drawing naked people and draw Overwatch poses)
A note to self for a moment. I just want to remember this moment. I want to be living and breathing animation. It's my obsession and my passion. I have never felt so motivated and so certain of what I want in life and this feeling is amazing. I had always wanted it, but it's like my brain and heart are in it so now I want it. I crave it. This is what truly makes me happy and I could just talk all day about animation and art.
I'm taking the time to remember this simple, little insignificant moment of my life where I'm sitting on my bed in my dorm room listening to animation podcasts and drawing gestures. This one month left of my first year at my new school. I feel like I'm in the right place and my mind is therefore at peace. I feel motivated. I feel determined to reach for the "dream" goal. The goal I used to think could never actually happen.
I want to be an animator more than anything. The digital art field and storytelling are the realms that I'm supposed to be in. It makes me happy.