Motion PSA Styleframes
I'm kinda excited for this next project. It's a little bigger than these little exercises we've been doing and it's something that's right up my alley. We're making a kind of motion infographic. In particular, it's supposed to be a public service announcement. So Typography + Graphics = my thing.
Well... the only thing that I feel that I am relatively good at.
I still want to become a character animator, but right now, After Effects motion graphics is really all I have in my tool belt. So I'm just going to embrace it right now.
So first we had to design style frames. I'm deciding to make my PSA on how sitting can kill you. (seriously, it's a health problem).
But anyway, I started storyboarding out my idea and honestly, I'm making it way to complex again. And definitely far too long. It's like I want to deliver all this information and research. But I realize, that as there's no narration, I'm going to have to type things and of courses for something like this, the less text, the better. People don't want to have to read stuff.
So I'm going to have to rework and condense. And frankly, just get to the point. I'm in the habit of caring about the quality of the content rather than the aesthetic. But for this class and many other animation classes to come, the point is how it looks and making it look good. Because that's why I'm here. To make stuff look cool. When your job is only to animate, the story isn't as important (unfortunately).
But these are my styleframes. They're not too impressive. I think I rushed them a bit. But I think that when I actually get to animating, the actual animation will look nice and crisp.