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First post! w00t

Just finished getting this blog to look the way I want it. Only spent all day on it... But I'm happy with it. It's like my new toy. I hoping that this blog will help me to stay motivated to work on projects, do tutorials (the tuts), and practice using software; especially over the summer!

All the course sequencing, major switching, career fair, and deciding what to do with my life has got my head spinning. I know that now more than ever, I really need to buckle down and start working on these things and getting serious. No more derping around. It's going to be hard like it is every summer as I get discouraged or lazy or sad. But I think if I make a schedule and actually have a game plan and make goals that I can visualize, it should help. I need to stop being concerned with being perfect right away and just do it in spite of any frustrations I run into. I'm going to get hit with a lot this upcoming school year, so it's important that I am ready for it.


A personal blog to help me stay motivated on the long journey to becoming an animator.

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"I am always doing what I cannot do yet in order to learn how to do it."

- Vincent van Gogh

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