Summer Tuts- Modeling
Not sure what to title this. But I've started the first modeling tutorial that I had picked out. This scary thing is a cartoon character...

The Backseat of your Toaster + First Tut of the Summer
So not by any means a great 3D model. I could definitely do better now. This was something I started winter quarter. But I just decided...

Action Analysis Final Storyboards
This is finally up after all this time. I think the images speak for themselves in telling the story which I really like. I was glad that...

Final Modeling Project + All-Nighters
So this thing finally got done. That's all that matters at this point. I spent hours just trying to render and then I'd go in and change...

MOME Tech I Final
Here's my finished MOME final. I've definitely gotten myself to realize that my heart wants to stay in the entertainment industry....