"BIG Mistakes..." by Howard Wimshurst + Podcasts
I stumbled across animator/illustrator Howard Wimshurst's YouTube channel where he makes tutorials and discusses the art of animation. I...

MOME Matte Exercise
This assignment was another small exercise teaching us how to use the Track Matte feature in After Effects. I've used this tool before...

Human Female 3D Model WIP
Perhaps my prime project during spring break was this female model tutorial on Pluralsight. It's still a definite work in progress and I...
Summer Goals 2017
Making a Successful Start 1: Plan ahead 2: Plan to be able to make up for lost time 3: Do SOMETHING every day 4: Don't lose sight 5: Keep...
First post! w00t
Just finished getting this blog to look the way I want it. Only spent all day on it... But I'm happy with it. It's like my new toy. I...