Walk + Stop Finished
Absolutely exhausted right now, but satisfied. This animation has come a VERY long way in the week and half that I've been working on it....

Walk + Stop (2) WIP
Since this is technically mt second "walk + stop" assignment... and it's nearly the same setup. This animation has come a long way and...
Animation for Games??
Came across this really insightful article about How Animation for Games is Different from Animation for Movies. Although at this point I...

Cat Gallop Test + Biped Walk Cycle
Rig downloaded from http://www.cadnav.com/3d-models/model-45504.html Lots of things happening in just the first 2 weeks. For one thing, I...

Cat Walk Cycle Test Update
Finished this walk cycle. And by "finished" I mean I'm moving on and trying out a better rig. However, I feel better about my feel for...