The Backseat of your Toaster + First Tut of the Summer
So not by any means a great 3D model. I could definitely do better now. This was something I started winter quarter. But I just decided...

Action Analysis Final Storyboards
This is finally up after all this time. I think the images speak for themselves in telling the story which I really like. I was glad that...

Final Modeling Project + All-Nighters
So this thing finally got done. That's all that matters at this point. I spent hours just trying to render and then I'd go in and change...

MOME Tech I Final
Here's my finished MOME final. I've definitely gotten myself to realize that my heart wants to stay in the entertainment industry....

NYT Storyboard II
This is the second one for the quarter. I honestly don't like it as much as the squid but I did it.