New Cards
I had to make new business cards for the career fair which is this Friday (!!!) and also for my professional development class. I was...

MoCap is Cool
I've been posting it everywhere else tonight, might as well update it on here too. I got to help Chris with his motion capture class by...

CTN Animation Expo
I realize I never made a post on here about my trip to Burbank. Things have been stressful and I've been exhausted so I am writing now....

The Reel Deal
It's my official 2018 3D Animation Demo Reel and this honestly feels like the first real reel that I've ever had. One that makes sense...
Lana: the Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing Story Concept
Just a story concept that I've been bouncing around for a bit now. I didn't come up with this until later and I kinda wish I had pitched...