Jump WIP: Blocking Pass 2 + 3
Latest blocking pass 3 Not much difference between these two, but I fixed the newest one in class to what my professor told me to do. I...

Jump WIP: Blocking Pass 1
The first blocking pass on my Jump assignment. We are using the Lieutenant Dan rig. I shot reference of me jumping on couch pieces so...

Abstract Animation Assignment
A little revisit with MOME. For screen design we had to create a music video using no characters or story. The point was to still be able...

Squishy Finished
Finally getting the chance to update this. My finished overlapping assignment. My professor was pleased with how I got the tail to turn...
Animation Manifesto
In my 20th Century Art Class we've been covering the Furturists and the Futurist Manifesto. Our professor told us all to write our own...