Sit, Stand, Run WIP: Blocking Round 3 + Setbacks
So just a quick update. I finished blocking this thing out and I'm going to jump right into splining. I would've had this part done...

Sit, Stand, Run WIP: Blocking Round 2
EDIT: Okay, now I've got the finished second blocking pass. I'm going to try to do some more tightening up in the graph editor while it's...

Sit, Stand, Run WIP: Blocking Round 1
Finished first blocking pass. Also added facial expressions and made lots of adjustments.

Sit, Stand, Run WIP
New project jumping straight into a bunch of new stuff. Learning to use props and constraints. I'm really curious to see how this turns...

Bowling Alley WIP?
Yea, so not sure if this is going to go anywhere, but I admittedly did have fun getting into the modeling again. It's not animation, but...