New Cards
I had to make new business cards for the career fair which is this Friday (!!!) and also for my professional development class. I was...

"The Dumbest Thing" WIP Blocking I
Overall was very pleased with how the first pass went. My prof and class loved it. My biggest note was to push the acting more. They were...

"The Dumbest Thing" WIP: Rough Blocking
There's something very refreshing every time I start a new animation. New scenario, new idea. I am using the Ruby rig again, but I've...

"Warrior" Finished-ish
The reason I'm saying "-ish" is because I'm planning to polish this up more for my reel for the career fair. There are still a lot of...

"Warrior" WIP: Spline I
I had several other blocking passes of this, but I figured I would just post my latest spline that I showed in class yesterday. I feel...